From Business Manager, Byron: We met for 5 hours on Friday night and did make some progress. We are still far apart on some important issues. Those being Facilities Maintenance Mechanics, Signal & Lighting Electricians & Fire Maintenance Electricians wages and timing of Market increase payouts. We have not come to an agreement on Hydro Project Utility Worker class specs and wages or the Hydro Project Mechanics class spec. Lastly, the City wants to split the AMRT group into 2 classifications and pay one of them less. We are adamantly opposed to that as well.
We are calling on all of you to get the word out on a Labor Action Day this Tuesday, March 25th. That will be 1 week from the end of the Power contract. We will start the day with informational picketing at the Tacoma Public Utilities main campus from 6:45 am to 8:00 am and then at the Tacoma Municipal Building from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm. We will provide signs and banners. Please wear your IBEW logo wear. It is time to show management that we are one and we can speak with one voice. It is time to walk the talk!